
I had never had a coach before, but a respected colleague recommended working with Beth at a time when I really needed some help.  Working in a government bureaucracy has all sorts of challenges. I was feeling completely overwhelmed and ineffective, virtually paralyzed by so many competing demands. My sessions with Beth helped me get “unstuck” and develop new strategies for moving forward.  She has an amazing skill at asking great questions – and from my responses I can gain clarity and find solutions for whatever issue I bring to a session.  Beth’s ability to detect what is going on with me by the inflections in my voice (since we meet by phone) is truly astounding.  Beth has a deep understanding of how to help promote a leader’s effectiveness and well being.  I have found a huge value in every minute I’ve invested in coaching sessions with Beth.

-Public Health Leader


Beth coaches me, from the point of view, to quote Marianne Williamson, that my ‘playing small does not serve the world’. There is astuteness to the questions Beth asks that are born from a place of deep self-awareness and intuition.  The impact for me is that I feel fully seen and acknowledged.  She draws my attention to making intentional choices that support who I am becoming. The experience in working with Beth has been about being supported in fully inhabiting and growing into my full self.  She doesn’t try to rescue me, but rather keeps me focused on uncovering and discovering and utilizing my internal wisdom.

 -Nonprofit Organizational Development Consultant


Beth unconditionally supports her clients to claim their power to go after their passions, buried dreams and life purpose. She insists that we become who we are meant to be, stop hiding and create magnificent and fulfilling lives. As a social innovator, she “thinks out of the box” regarding what is possible both for society and each of us as individuals.   I wholeheartedly recommend her coaching to make a transformative difference in your life!

 -Community Development Consultant


Through coaching with Beth, I have been challenged to think bigger, believe deeper, and make empowering change in my personal and professional life. I have been motivated to find new ways to practice as a therapist and a program supervisor.  I am better able to support families and my staff in ways that bring out the best in them and moves them from a place of hopelessness and despair to one of encouragement and action.  Beth’s sincerity, intuition, compassion, and skill are truly a gift to experience.

-Licensed Clinical Social Worker,
Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services


Beth helps you frame the questions that are in your heart so they are concrete and accessible to you. She then guides you in a process of self-discovery. Working together, in an exciting and creative journey, you learn what you need to make positive changes in your life.

-Parent and Program Manager


Coaching with Beth supported my growth as an artist.  Beth uniquely understands the creative process———and the inner voices that can block creative expression. Coaching with Beth supported me in recognizing those voices, some  from my cultural experience and many from the dominant culture. Uncovering these voices helped me hear my own voice and that unleashed possibilities I could not have imagined for myself.  I feel free to go for it as an artist—-and more!

Visual Artist